Git Flow

Read about the Github flow here.

When you are done reading, let's practice using the Github flow a bit. We'll be using the TrainingRobot repo from the previous section to do this.

  1. On the left side of the bottom bar in VSCode, click on "master" and then "+ Create new branch" and name it whatever you want.
  2. Stage, commit, and push the changes you made in the previous pages. (You may want to refer back to the Version Control page of Intro to Git to refresh on how to do that).
  3. Go to the repo for the TrainingRobot on Github and create a new pull request with the branch you just created. (make sure you're logged in)

In the pull request, people can add comments, review the code, and merge the code into our master branch. This is how we make sure all the code that we put on our robot works and meets our quality standards. We won't be merging your code in this time around, but let a programming lead or mentor know once you get to this step so we can check you off.

Last update: 2023-11-14