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Electrical Safety Rules

These rules encompass the hazards that occur in the electronics department, whether it be with electricity, while handling the robot, or when using electronics tools. Rules are not limited to these, as different circumstances arise.

General Safety

  • Be careful when taking components off the board, be mindful that adhesive is sticky
  • Keep liquids and food away from any electronic devices, if needed, eat at the designated Food Table. Wash your hands when complete
  • Wear shoes with rubber soles to prevent electricity from flowing through you into the ground
  • Never work alone when working with electricity
  • Turn off power before working on electronic circuits, except for energized testing
  • Replace defective cords and plugs
  • Inspect cables for defects such as frayed wiring, loose connections, or cracked insulation and replace them
  • Remove metal jewelry, watches, rings, etc. before working on electrical circuits
  • Work with just one hand when possible, keep the second hand away from anything that conducts electricity
  • Never install a fuse of higher amperage than specifically listed for your circuit
  • Make sure equipment chassis or cabinets are grounded
  • Discharge capacitors in equipment before working on the circuits
  • Do not attempt to solder electronic devices that are still connected to a power source


  • Put things back where you found them (usually in the toolbox or shelves)
  • Label cords/wires and components


  • Wash hands before working with electronic devices

Cables, Wires, Extension Cords, etc.

  • Do not touch exposed metal pieces, including wiring, when robot is turned on
  • Make sure all cords are unplugged before touching the soldering iron and hot glue gun
  • Unplug any tools when finished
  • Exposed cables should be covered with electrical tape to prevent brownouts

Battery Safety

  • Batteries contain dangerous chemicals and must be handled properly in order to avoid spilling
  • Never pull/pick up the battery by the wires. Always hold the battery by the body
  • Batteries are very heavy. Use both hands when carrying them
  • Never throw the battery when giving it to another person. Always carefully hand the battery to them, or set it down on a surface and let them pick it up
  • Inspect the batteries on occasion to check for any damage to the battery itself, or any loose connections at the battery posts or connector
  • If the battery is visibly damaged in any way, tell a lead, safety captain, or mentor
    • Never use a battery that is damaged

Last update: 2023-11-14